Research Projects
The C-StARR supports multidisciplinary research on self-regulation and problem behavior during late adolescence. Support is provided in the form of personnel, space, and expertise offered by the research support cores and supplemental funding aimed at extending already-funded projects or pilot funding for new, collaborative projects. Two types of research projects are supported by the C-StARR. Research base projects are major projects for which extramural funding has already been obtained. Support from the C-StARR is intended to extend the scope of these projects to include work on self-regulation. For example, Data Core personnel might recommend measures to be added to study protocols, or the Biological Methods core might facilitate the collection of specimens from which biomarkers relevant to self-regulation could be integrated with relevant behavioral data. Pilot research projects are new studies developed by multidisciplinary teams of investigators affiliated with the C-StARR. In addition to generating important new knowledge about self-regulation during adolescence, these projects lay the groundwork for competitive applications for grant funding.
Research Base Projects
The primary focus of the C-StARR is the support of projects in its research base. These are 6-12 major, extramurally-funded research projects that, in addition to fulfilling their own aims, have the potential to contribute to the Center’s focus on self-regulation and problem behavior. C-StARR support offers access to resources, expertise, and collaborators to supplement those provided for by the funding agency.
Pilot Research Projects
Each year, the C-StARR funds 2-4 time-limited projects that bring together senior- and early-career investigators from different disciplines for focused studies that lay the groundwork for proposals for large, high-impact studies likely to garner extramural funding. The Center provides both funding and access to core support.
Completed Research Projects
Since its inception in 2003, the C-StARR has provided funding and core support for a large number of projects related to the role of regulation in problem behavior and its prevention. During the first five years of funding, these projects primarily concerned substance abuse, with a particular focus on prevention. During the second period of funding, 2008-2013, the focus shifted to self-regulation and a broader array of problem behaviors, with a shift in focus to risk factors and other antecedents.
Projects Completed Between 2008 and 2013
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Projects Completed Between 2003 and 2008
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