Center for the Study of Addictive Risk and Resilience

Currently Enrolling Research Participants

C-StARR researchers are doing studies focused on the experiences of adolescents and their families. We have opportunities for youth and their parents to participate in ongoing studies. If you’re interested, email or call today.

The Center for the Study of Addictive Risk and Resilience (C-StARR) supports an ambitious research agenda addressing genetic, neural, and cognitive mechanisms in self-regulation, with an emphasis on the role of self-regulation in academic performance, peer relations, and drug and alcohol use during late adolescence. The primary work of the C-StARR is to help investigators already funded to do research relevant to the Center’s research agenda enhance and extend their work. The C-StARR also funds a small number of pilot research projects, focusing primarily on those involving interdisciplinary teams committed to seeking extramural funding for their work. The C-StARR supports a thriving intellectual community that includes two dozen faculty members from nine academic departments at Duke, ranging from neuroscience and genetics to economics and public policy.

The C-StARR, a National Institute on Drug Abuse Core Center of Excellence, has been funded continuously since 2003. In addition to supporting cutting-edge science on self-regulation during late adolescence and emerging adulthood, the Center seeks to inform relevant prevention programs, practices, and policies. The C-StARR also is committed to the mentorship and training of the next generation of scientists studying the development of self-regulation across the adolescent years and the effects of deficits and skills at self-regulation on consequential outcomes.

News and Events

C-StARR brings high-caliber speakers and educational opportunities to the Triangle policy and research communities to help address the problems facing children and families in contemporary society.

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